Monday, February 16, 2009

15 Feb 2009

I haven’t sent out a newsletter for quite some time. Chances are it may be a while before I send another one. Life is busy.

So Obama is now in charge. For once I am CERTAIN a campaign promise will be kept. Change indeed. I know without one shred of a doubt we are in for major ‘change’ during Obama’s ‘reign’. The irony makes me want to fall off my seat in a fit of laughter. You want change? How’s this for change?

What happens if our Government declares bankruptcy?!-Global-systemic-crisis-Alert-Summer-2009-The-US-government-defaults-on-its-debt_a2250.html

I am sorry to laugh so hard, but it’s because I have seen it coming for so long. But wait! There’s more! If you order ‘global crisis’ right now we’ll Pardon former Pres Bush FREE!!!! Lolololololol Amazing! This is great!

Nibiru Photos: -(Not the lens flash images you see everywhere)

This guy says this comet was twice the size of Jupiter! And we didn't hear about it?

Astronomers have found a system that sounds like Nibiru,

they call it " cha110913773444 "

Current location of Nibiru? It seems we have a blank spot in the sky next to Orion's belt!

Lots of info here:

Now this is interesting! Army finds ancient text:

Too much talk of Martial Law!

WWIII coming soon?! Valuable info here:

Life on Mars?

Interesting…Guy reports working with grays at Area 51:

(Remember this?

This is from LL:

All Blue Bloods:

Keeping it in the family...

Presidents related to European royalty

This is a list of presidents of royal descent. Note that since all of these Presidents are related to English or Scottish monarchs, they are also all related to each other, though very distantly.

As a result, all the listed names are direct descendants of Alfred the Great. (All English Kings from Henry II on and all Scottish Kings from Edgar on are descended from Alfred.)

Lynne Cheney: VP, Obama are eighth cousins
Obama camp responds to revelation: ‘Every family has a black sheep’
updated 7:27 a.m. ET Oct. 17, 2007